Friday, July 27, 2012


Welcome to Room 13, a 4th grade classroom at the West! 

This space will be used to keep the kids and families updated on what's going on at school.  I will also (hopefully) be posting all sorts of fun teaching things to share with all the fabulous teachers out there.  

I've spent my summer taking classes and teaching summer camp.  I've learned lots of great things, gotten great ideas, and had a lot of fun.  

At summer camp, Mrs. Higgins and I are working on a Nonfiction Blogging Club that is going really well.  The kids get to research a topic of their choice and read all about it.  Then they write a "blog" about what they have read and their pod-mates can write them comments.  Because of limited access to the computer lab, so far all of our "blogs" have been done on paper, but maybe someday we will get to type them up.  I am still figuring out this format, but I think this link will get you a template.

As a teacher, I have to admit I have no idea what I did before Pinterest!  How did I know how to decorate my room or what to teach??  As I am trying to bring my classroom more into the 21st century (a blog, twitter, etc.) I was so excited when I saw an adorable idea for a job chart yesterday on twitter.  I immediately went out, got supplies, and made it!  I love it!!
I bet it will look even better on the wall in my classroom than it does on my living room floor.  The "apps" are library pockets and the kids will each have an index card with their name at the top that will slide into the pocket.  It just makes me smile!


  1. Love it. Time for your neighbor to get caught up. =)

  2. Pod 8 said...
    "Cool Blog!"
    "An inspiration to little kids to make their own blogs"
    "iPods rock!"
    "I think rainbows are wonderful"

  3. Pod 5 says...
    "It's cool"
    "love the iPod"
    "rock on!"
    "rock the iPhone!"

    1. "thanks for teaching us how to write blogs"

  4. What is the black background made of?

    1. It was just a piece of black poster-board. I did the writing and the edge with a silver sharpie. The whole thing took me probably 45 minutes to make.

  5. What is around the edge of the black board? Very nice.

    1. It's just silver sharpie. I was worried it would look streaky, but it turned out looking fine.

  6. This is so cute! Would you be willing to share your graphics? I would love to make this as well. It would be perfect in my classroom too!! Thank you so much!

  7. The pods loved the poster today too!

  8. I LOVE your job chart! So cute! I was planning on redoing mine this summer, and now I'm thinking about trying this out!!

    Lessons with Laughter

  9. I absolutely love this idea! I bet the children in your class were psyched about it! I'm going to post about some techie-themed displays in the next few weeks, I'll definitely be including a link to this post!

    A Crucial Week

  10. This is so awesome! Would you be willing to share your graphics? I would love to make this as well. Thank you so much!

  11. Good Luck to Room 13. Have a great year

  12. OMG!!! I was so happy to see Declan after school today. He was all smiles and could not stop talking about his day and how great you are. "Mrs. Mularsky is so nice. She makes everything fun. She doesn't yell. She didn't get mad when my pencil shavings fell all over me." You have made one young man very happy as well as his parents. Thank you for an awesome start to the school year.

  13. How did you make your teacher name sign below your picture.. that has a bunch of your hobbies and your name?

  14. We would love to do the same thing! Could you send us the graphics? Thank you!

  15. We are missing updates.

  16. I love this idea! Could you send me the graphics you made as well?

  17. Could you send me the graphics as well.
